Labourer Remanded: In a tragic incident that has sent shockwaves through the community, a 24-year-old labourer, Sunday Clement, has been remanded in the Olokuta Correctional Centre by the Akure Chief Magistrate Court for allegedly taking the life of a 30-year-old farmer, Taye Alatoye. The incident occurred on September 4, 2023, at approximately 2:30 pm at Baba Odun Camp, Ofosu, situated in the Odigbo Local Government Area of Ondo State.
Clement, who admitted to being under the influence of hard drugs at the time of the incident, is alleged to have attacked Alatoye while the two were en route to their farm.
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In response to the grave nature of the crime, law enforcement officers swiftly apprehended Clement, charging him with one count of murder. The case was brought before the Akure Chief Magistrate Court.
The police prosecutor, Mary Adebayo, informed the court that the defendant’s actions contravene Sections 316 and 319 of the Criminal Code Law, Cap 37 Vol. II Law of Ondo State, 2006.
During the remand application, Adebayo urged the court to detain the defendant at the Olokuta Correctional Centre pending the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
Expressing remorse for his actions, the defendant informed the court that he had consumed a substance known as crystal methamphetamine, commonly referred to as ‘ice,’ prior to heading to the farm on the day of the incident.
Chief Magistrate Folasade Aduroja, due to jurisdictional limitations, did not accept Clement’s plea.
In light of the prosecutor’s request, Aduroja ordered the remand of the defendant in the custodial centre. She further directed that the case file be duplicated and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions for legal guidance.
This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of drug abuse and underscores the importance of addressing substance-related issues within communities. The legal proceedings will continue as the case awaits further evaluation by the Director of Public Prosecutions.
In a heart-wrenching turn of events that has left a community in shock, 24-year-old labourer, Sunday Clement, finds himself confined to the Olokuta Correctional Centre following a tragic incident involving the alleged murder of a 30-year-old farmer, Taye Alatoye. The incident unfolded on September 4, 2023, around 2:30 pm at Baba Odun Camp in Ofosu, within the Odigbo Local Government Area of Ondo State.
Clement, openly admitting to the influence of hard drugs at the time, stands accused of assaulting Alatoye while both were en route to their farm.
Promptly responding to the gravity of the situation, law enforcement swiftly apprehended Clement, slapping him with a murder charge. This weighty case landed before the Akure Chief Magistrate Court.
Mary Adebayo, the police prosecutor, conveyed to the court that the defendant’s actions ran afoul of Sections 316 and 319 of the Criminal Code Law, Cap 37 Vol. II Law of Ondo State, 2006.
During the remand application, Adebayo urged the court to detain the defendant at the Olokuta Correctional Centre until the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) offers guidance.
Expressing remorse for his actions, the defendant disclosed to the court that he had consumed a substance known as crystal methamphetamine, commonly referred to as ‘ice,’ before embarking on the ill-fated trip to the farm.
However, Chief Magistrate Folasade Aduroja, owing to jurisdictional constraints, did not accept Clement’s plea.
In response to the prosecutor’s request, Aduroja ordered the defendant’s remand in the custodial center. She also mandated the duplication of the case file for onward transmission to the Director of Public Prosecutions for legal counsel.
This tragic episode serves as a stark reminder of the devastating toll of drug abuse and underscores the urgency of tackling substance-related challenges within our communities. The wheels of justice continue to turn as the case awaits the Director of Public Prosecutions’ thorough evaluation.
Labourer Remanded