In a disturbing incident on Tuesday night, an e-hailing driver affiliated with Bolt, Jeremiah Enya, was reportedly abducted alongside a female passenger in Calabar, Cross River. The incident took place within the staff quarters of the University of Calabar (UNICAL), the intended destination of the Bolt driver.
Enya, who was transporting three passengers at the time of the abduction, found himself targeted by kidnappers. The victims included the Bolt driver and a female passenger, while the other two occupants, a male and a female passenger, were left unharmed as the abductors made away with their two captives, leaving behind the Bolt driver’s vehicle.
This unsettling event adds to the growing concerns about the safety of individuals using e-hailing services and highlights the vulnerability of drivers and passengers alike. The University of Calabar has unfortunately witnessed an increase in incidents involving the abduction of its staff members, with the recent kidnapping of the University Director of Servicom, Prof. Patrick Egaga, just a few nights ago.
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Prof. Egaga was abducted from his residence in the University staff quarters, and his abductors have reportedly revised their ransom demand from an initial N50 million to N15 million. However, as of now, the family has not met this demand, prolonging the distressing situation.
The rise in kidnappings within the University community raises serious concerns about the security measures in place and the safety of its residents. The targeting of both university staff and now an e-hailing driver and passenger underscores the need for urgent attention to improve security protocols and address the rising criminal activities in the area.
When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), SP Irene Ugbo, stated that she had not been briefed on the recent incident, highlighting the importance of swift and effective communication between law enforcement and the public to address and prevent such occurrences.
As investigations unfold, it is imperative for authorities to enhance security measures and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to ensure the safety of residents, both within the University of Calabar community and the broader city of Calabar. The protection of citizens, regardless of their occupation or background, should remain a top priority in the ongoing efforts to address the security challenges facing the region.
At VOTP News, we are deeply disturbed by the recent incident at the University of Calabar. The school environment is traditionally considered a haven, and it is disheartening to witness any compromise to the security within it. We urge the authorities to prioritize and enhance security measures around the school premises to ensure the safety of the university community.
In our commitment to responsible journalism, we will continue to bring only verified and accurate stories to our audience.
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